Ian Bailey Threatens To Sue Netflix For Using His Interview In Upcoming Murder Doc

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Ian Bailey has threatened to sue Netflix ahead of the release of Sophie: A Murder in West Cork

Ian Bailey has revealed he intends on suing Netflix ahead of its new series on the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier. According to reports, Bailey has sent a written statement to the streaming giant to demand his interview regarding Sophie’s murder be removed from the show.

Netflix, and creators of the series, Lightbox Media, received Bailey’s letter yesterday, which stated the former journalist will take legal action if his request is ignored. The news follows the du Plantier family’s successful removal of their own interviews from Jim Sheridan’s series on the case.

According to the Independent, Ian stated in the letter: “You will clearly be aware of the potential consequence of a failure to do what I ask.” The 64-year-old law graduate claims that he only gave permission for a small portion of his interview to be shown in the trailer for the Netflix series.

I want to put you on notice I am objecting to the inclusion of an interview recorded at The Prairy Cottage in May 2018. The idea of the interview was ‘sold’ to me as a ‘teaser’ for a Lightbox idea for a Netflix production. I explained at the time I was contractually bound to a Mr Jim Sheridan and his production Hellykits Ltd. I did sign a release form but only on basis the footage be used for a tease production.

At no time did I agree to it being used in a finished documentary. Further release forms were required from the property owner Ms Catherine Thomas. The release was never signed,” he wrote.

A spokesperson for Lightbox has said: “Lightbox’s legal team is satisfied that they have the relevant rights to use Ian Bailey’s interview in the series as he signed a comprehensive release form.

The upcoming series, Sophie: A Murder in West Cork, is due to begin streaming on Netflix Wednesday, June 30th.

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