Aunt Bessie's-Colm & Lucy WC 7th June

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Tune in to the Colm & Lucy Breakfast Show all this week for your chance to win a fantastic prize from Aunt Bessie' s. This week on the Colm & Lucy Breakfast Show we are giving away €1000 cash!! 

Thanks to Aunt Bessie’s, raising a roast to those we’ve missed at our dinner tables.


As the nation gears up for the reopening of the country, and welcoming family and friends back into our lives. Aunt Bessie’s want to look forward with excitement to the return of the roast -those bustling dinner tables, noisy chats and being together again.

Aunt Bessie’s is ‘Raising a Roast’ to those we have missed at our dinner tables, and looking ahead to roasts with relatives and friends, that we will all appreciate so much more.

Whether it’s roast chicken and chips on Wednesday with your besties, beef and yorkies with mam, dad and the gang on Sunday, or roast lamb sambos with wedges on Saturday with the pals you have missed so much - Aunt Bessie’s has you covered.

Aunt Bessie’s is now available across the country in all major Irish retailers.