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Noel Gallagher Sympathises With Prince William; Liam is Always 'Shooting His Mouth Off'

By Gary Delaney
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British rocker, Noel Gallagher expresses his sympathy for the Duke of Cambridge over his younger brother’s criticism of the Royal Family. Noel says he knows the annoyance all too well as younger brother, Liam is always “shooting his mouth off”.

Harry’s ‘tell-all’ exclusives have caught the eye of the High Flying Birds frontman, following his high-profile interviews on life as a royal with wife Meghan. In a recent interview, Noel, 54, called the Duke of Sussex a “f****** woke snowflake”, who comes across as a “f****** a******”.

Noel has had his fair share of public fallouts with younger brother, Liam, with the pair trading insults since their split in 2009. Former Beady Eye singer, Liam is known for his public criticism of his older brother, once even naming Noel villain of the year.

Gotta be Noel,” Liam claimed. I'm being serious. You're laughing, but he's worse than Kim-Jun f****** Tung or whatever he's called. And he's worse than Donald Trump. He's the biggest liar and biggest faker in the business, so yeah, him.”

In typical Gallagher fashion, Noel gave a foul-mouthed interview with The Sun ahead of a documentary about his career airing on Sky Arts.

Prince William. I feel that f****** lad's pain. He's got a f****** younger brother shooting his f****** mouth off with s*** that is just so unnecessary. I'd like to think I was always the William.”

Although Noel is currently promoting new High Flying Birds ‘best-of’ album, Back The Way We Came: Vol 1, the rocker frustratedly told reporters he is always asked about the Royals.

It's funny though, doing promo for this, it's funny how they obsess about it around the world. I did a week here of Australian promo down the phone and Zoom and all that and they were like, 'So Noel Gallagher, f****** 10 years of High Flying Birds! It's been amazing! And f****** Oasis!

But what we really want to know is, how much of a c*** is Prince Harry?' And I'm just like, 'I don't know mate. I don't know them'. But Prince Harry is coming across like a typical f****** woke snowflake, f****** a*******. Just don't be f****** dissing your family because there's no need for it.

However, it is not all family conniptions with Noel, as he also shed his opinion on the music industry, and his time with Oasis and High Flying Birds. Humble Noel said he is in “a really privileged position where I've been able to have two careers. Speaking about his persona on stage, he also compared his own more reserved commentary with today's “preachy” bands.

Modern rock bands about today would be a sermon about how 'we're not worthy to be here and you're our fans, you're amazing, and without you…' F*** off. Chris Martin is very guilty of it. Almost everybody who came after us is guilty of it. We were kind of like, we don't have to remind people why they're here. They're f****** here to see us.”

Noel said his songs “have to be twice as good as anybody else's because I'm not a great salesman”. The HFB frontman spoke glowingly of Irish rockers, U2, and Bono’s ability to connect with the crowd.

I can't do that thing where Bono can effortlessly talk to 80,000 people like he's having a conversation with his mate. I can't do that. It's a f****** gift. I was on tour with him for a couple of years and it's a f****** gift and that's why they are who they are. I'm not interested if anyone's having a good time, d'you know what I mean?

I'm not interested. It's up to you to have a good time. What I'm doing here, I'm doing to the best of my ability.


Written by Gary Delaney

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